This picture was taken immediately before my parents silver wedding anniversary. They laid on a big party for friends in the Parish Hall. I have inlcuded this picture as the scene would be almost identical for the Christmas party or the Whitsun tea, laid on after the "Whitsun Turnout" for the children and grown ups participating.
The Parish Hall was home to the Sunday School, which in my day was held every Sunday aftenoon starting at 3 and ending at 4 o'clock. It took the form of an opening hymn followed by prayers. The pupils were allocated to classes, the youngest in a separate "Kindergarden" class with everyone else in the main hall grouped in classes around the room with their teachers. Going to Sunday School had two benefits, you could attend the annual Christmas party and you got to go on the annual outing to Barry Island.
Various social events took place in the Parish Hall many of them under the direction of Cliff Henry who was invariably the organiser. He was also the choir master as there was a full choir every Sunday in those days.